Weapons of mass drive

Build into core of Rosatom-Antonow K37-TNTRL and powered by internal nuclear turbine, EMD-14 electromagnetic mass driver can deliver 10 steel mining projectiles
and occasionally writes a devlog
In space, no one can hide his heat signature.
Take a pilot’s seat in of excavating ship in rings of Saturn. Defend yourself from aggressive takeovers with a mass driver.
Featuring real life spaceflight physics, company and crew management, and more.
You can find general game information here, or dive into the devlog below:
Build into core of Rosatom-Antonow K37-TNTRL and powered by internal nuclear turbine, EMD-14 electromagnetic mass driver can deliver 10 steel mining projectiles
Exploring the Ring with second-hand ship poses new set of challenges. Those vehicles are quirky and systems can fail at any time.
If your mass driver fails in the middle of mining run, remember that your ship is equipped with a Nuclear Thermal Rocket
Rocket-ship engines work by accelerating reaction mass in opposite direction, thus providing thrust. But this mass doesn’t just vanish when it leaves the
Main engine of Rosatom-Antonov K37-TNTRL can produce up to 750kN of thrust. This is way more than required within the Ring, yet it allows
RCS, commonly known as thrusters, is an essential system for spacecraft navigation. Rosatom-Antonow K37-TNTRL operates with reactor-powered hydrogen dioxide based exhaust allowing up
Collisions of asteroids worked great, but they didn’t feel like large colliding rocks. There was a lack of debris and dust. Luckily,
Today I managed to get the engine to do real graphics and gameplay of models made last weekend. Lighting is pretty good.
This was a weekend of blending. I finally got about to finishing first in-game ship model. Here are some showcase renderings: Next