Coherent Light CL-150 Mk3

CL-150 Mk3 mining laser is a powerful tool for any ring prospector. While expensive, it can be easily retrofitted even to ancient
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CL-150 Mk3 mining laser is a powerful tool for any ring prospector. While expensive, it can be easily retrofitted even to ancient
Nuclear Thermal Rocket relies on high internal temperature to provide thrust. Phase-change of the medium consumes significant heat and excessive use of
Build into core of Rosatom-Antonow K37-TNTRL and powered by internal nuclear turbine, EMD-14 electromagnetic mass driver can deliver 10 steel mining projectiles
Rocket-ship engines work by accelerating reaction mass in opposite direction, thus providing thrust. But this mass doesn’t just vanish when it leaves the
Nuclear Thermal Rocket – an ancient, XX century idea of using fission reactor to superheated water to propel spacecraft casts a long
Boasting 750kN of thrust with a mass of just 37.2T Rosatom-Antonov K37-TNTRL is the de-facto workhorse of the ring. High efficiency of