- The cargo manifest and processed cargo manifest are now more condensed.
- The processed cargo manifest will now explicitly display how much cargo is stored in external cargo containers.
- Moved the processed cargo manifest on the Eagle Prospector HUD to another spot to prevent obscuring the entrance of your cargo hold.
- Holding the “hold position” button when flying EI1337 autopilot will now disable collision avoidance as long as the button is held.
- Physical displays on the HAL HUD now apply their curvature to texts displayed on them.
- The movement of the physical displays of the HAL HUD is now much subtler.
- When sending the crew on an EVA mission through a dialogue option, you will now see them perform the EVA flight.
- Added new smart camera option: smoothed movement without automatic excavator zoom.
- New double-tap excavator control that keeps your excavator open. You can adjust sensitivity in the Settings menu.
- You can play your own advertisements on the Enceladus station screen.
- You can now tune the angular velocity limit of the autopilot up to 360 degrees per second, which was the stock setting of the Bald Eagle.
- EVA mechanic crew visible on Enceladus now respect proper parallax when your camera moves during the launch sequence.
- Fixed missing Chinese/Korean font on the Eagle Prospector HUD.
- When you discover something more specific about a location, your astrogation listing will update by replacing the generic discovery with the specific one, instead of listing both.
- The repair crew on Enceladus won’t flicker in and out of existence as they weld your ship back into shape.
- Text on the dock billboard will now wrap to the next line if it exceeds the screen size.
- NPC ships will not attempt to communicate with asteroids anymore.
- The hacking sequence now uses correct Linux commands.
- Reactor explosions are now visible on the visual feed.
- When adjusting lighting settings at the Enceladus Prime station menu, you could activate lights on the docking arm that were supposed to be dormant.
- The phage-class stations will not cause the game to play the “mystery is near” music once you discover them.
- Known locations won’t play “mystery is near” music when you astrogate to them on subsequent missions – unless there is something more to discover.
- When your cargo manifest and processed cargo manifest was nearly full, the window of K37 hud showing your cargo bay could resize, restarting the cargo bay microseismic scanner.
- Added new achievement.
- Updated translations.