1.52.28 – Full Throttle

  • Certain large and well-armed stations would get upset if they offered you a deal and you declined – and they didn’t take into account that you might be in the middle of a trade to raise enough funds. They are much more patient now.
  • Ships and stations that didn’t like your cargo containers or mining companions tried to hail them to voice their displeasure while they were still attached to your ship, and opened fire when they didn’t respond. They will now raise their concerns directly to you.
  • Fixed a memory leak that happened when you switched ships in your fleet at Enceladus. Each subsequent switch to a completely new ship would take a little bit of memory and processing power, which could add up if you have a large fleet and have problems deciding which ship to fly.
  • Custom paint will now show up correctly on the habitat of OCP-209.
  • You can ask the racing team to race again, as long as their drone is still operational.
  • You can’t reset the race by calling the racing team while you are in the middle of a race.
  • The race will now reset properly when you ask the racing team to race again after you finish one round.
  • Racing drones which were caught with salvage manipulators shut down all of their sensors, which resulted in the race being invalidated, as the drone did not see any participants and assumed a catastrophic accident.
  • Increased racing drone ship detection range to 64km.
  • More reliable one-time astrogation destinations. Previously, if a temporary destination would lead you to a big entity, the game had problems finding the right spot to spawn, it could give up prematurely, making some destinations empty, when they should not be. Now, it will keep trying until it succeeds.
  • Unidentified perpetrator was filling rich ore veins with ore chunks of exactly the same ore compositions, causing bafflement in the mining community. With increased telescopic surveillance these pranks stopped now.
  • With multiple visits, some astrogation destinations could drift slowly towards the edge of the rings, eventually reaching a location outside of the playable area. They will counteract this now.
  • Updated translations.

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