Steam powered starship
ΔV: Rings of Saturn is listed on are a steam now. You can follow our release progress there, or simply add it
and occasionally writes a devlog
In space, no one can hide his heat signature.
Take a pilot’s seat in of excavating ship in rings of Saturn. Defend yourself from aggressive takeovers with a mass driver.
Featuring real life spaceflight physics, company and crew management, and more.
You can find general game information here, or dive into the devlog below:
ΔV: Rings of Saturn is listed on are a steam now. You can follow our release progress there, or simply add it
But game won’t stop you. You won’t get very far tough. Today I added more systems damage: fuel rods jamming, forced rods
I created a subreddit for ΔV: Rings of Saturn – as both community hub and a support forum. You can find it here,
Games usually handle damage via hitpoints, or similar concepts. But my car does not explode if I kick it a thousand times
Pause menu is not something you imagine doing when making games, but it has to be there. Another piece of dark work
Every software developer will tell you that last 10% of any project takes up 90% of the time. Tim Ruswick from Game
Here comes one of early drafts of games establishing shot and ring exit sequences: Establishing shot is the critical one, on
Exciting news! ΔV is no longer a solo-developed game. Joining the team are Evader as music supervisor and composer and Ringelen as graphics
Since the troublesome 2D lighting bug was fixed in Godot engine I can finally add a proper spotlight to the ships. It was
Coming this fall on Windows, Mac and Linux.