Game: ΔV: Rings of Saturn
Developer: Kodera Software
Publisher: Kodera Software
Based in Będzin, Poland
Release date: 12.08.2019
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One person independent software house found in 2016 in Będzin, Poland. Now taking professional experience into making some games for both fun and profit.
ΔV: Rings of Saturn
Hard sci-fi, top-down physics based space mining simulator. Master realistic spaceflight using true-to-life technology, upgrade your ship to best suit your flight style and hire a crew to assist you.
GameplayThe unexpected discovery of valuable minerals within the rings of Saturn has sparked a thriving space excavation industry. You control an asteroid excavation ship hoping to make it rich out on the rings, but soon you find out that all is not as it appears. Experience a hard sci-fi story backed up with real physics and science.

Cinematic Trailer YouTube
Gameplay Trailer YouTube
Equal Reaction YouTube
Experience Everything YouTube
Content Creators - YouTube Friendly Assets
There are far more images available for ΔV: Rings of Saturn, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
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Awards & Recognition
- Atomic Rockets - Seal of Approval
- GDWC 2019 - Fan Favourite Finalist
Selected Articles
- "It’s already got this calming, almost hypnotic core of carefully, skilfully flying through hazardous space, and eating rocks."
- Sin Vega, Rock Paper Shotgun - "Extremely relaxing game that can also simultaneously be really challenging and tense, [...] this game sure has a lot of potential and it’s surely a hidden gem waiting to be found by a lot of people out there."
- Davide Roriz, Bonus Stage - "ΔV: Rings of Saturn is a great game if you're looking to geek over space ships and reminisce about old-school games. While missing a bit in the content department, it is a great addition to the library of any space exploration fan."
- Hatem Amer, WhatIfGaming
Additional Links & Files
Review Guide
Download: dV-review-guide.pdf
Review Keys Request
Woovit: https://woovit.info/dv
Mariusz Chwalba, Aiden Iozzo, Eric Eshleman
Mariusz Chwalba
Mariusz Chwalba, Adam Dudziak, Roksana Dymowska
Damian Moloney
Adrian Wesołowski
PR Manager
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer)